Moral Character
 At Work
 Bob's Wife
 Moral Character

You've spoken about the importance of seeking God's will in the various positions you've held. How do you see that now?
   Obviously, I'm concerned to do God's will, whatever it may be. In each one of my positions in government I tried to find those areas where I could make a positive difference for people who have real needs.

Liddy Makes Perfect
While looking to move to the White House, Elizabeth Dole must find a compromise between her ambition and her faith
Richard Stenger/Winston-Salem - Time Magazine

"In her speeches to religious groups, Elizabeth Dole tells the story of Esther, the Old Testament heroine confronted with a harrowing choice. When Esther, the wife of the Persian King Xerxes, learns of a plot to kill all the Jews in the kingdom, she has a decision to make: To try to save her people, should she risk her life by revealing to the king that she is a Jewess? Or should she remain silent, deny her faith and preserve her wifely prestige and power? After much soul searching, Esther chooses faith."

Flowers garland

"It is not what I do that matters, but what a sovereign God chooses to do through me.  God does not want wordly successes, He wants me. He wants my heart in submission to Him. Life is not just a few years to spend on self indulgence and career  advancement. It is a privilege, a responsibility, a stewardship to be lived according to a much higher calling, God's calling. This alone gives true meaning to life."

I received the above quote from Streams of Light, an e-mail service that sends you an inspirational quote every day. Although the author's goal is analysis, I perceive this article as one more example of  "the clamor for President Dole". "She sees the job of First Lady as a kind of spiritual bully pulpit. While Jackie Kennedy wanted to beautify the White House and Lady Bird Johnson wanted to beautify America's highways, Elizabeth Dole wants to beautify America's soul." That would have been a good goal, had she moved to the White House as First Lady, but moving there as President, Elizabeth could beautify America's everything. She could give it the same treatment as the Washington Airports... (A parallel occurs to me, America would have to be taken out of the jurisdiction of "the departments", like the airports were move from federal control, so they could be beautified.)

The article concludes with the following, "Elizabeth Dole has not plotted out her future. While her husband seems carved in stone, she is a work in progress. She regards herself as a recovering perfectionist. "It is something that can take a lifetime to overcome," she has written, and she still has a way to go. "I'm very different than I was 10 years ago," she says evenly. "I thought I had to do everything 100% perfect. Now 98% works nicely." Despite her protestations, Elizabeth Dole cannot stop striving for a perfect solution to her spiritual quandary. A close associate, asked what it is that Dole is ultimately seeking, laughs at the question as if the answer is obvious. "Salvation," this person says. "Salvation is what she really wants." Perfection. At last."


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