Elizabeth Dole on Technology Require porn filters on library computers for adults, too [The proposal requiring libraries to use filtering software] does not go far enough. This bill contains a loophole: computers used by adults don’t have to use blocking software. In other words, pornography is off limits to children, but it’s readily accessible to adults. That’s wrong. That’s not what libraries are for. I propose denying federal funds to any library or school that doesn’t filter out pornographic information on all its computers.whether they’re used by children, or adults. Source: www.edole2000.org/ “Campaign News” Jul 26, 1999 Protect Children from Sexual Material on the Internet In today’s world where the Internet and chat rooms have become second nature to second graders, parents need help. When a child visits a library they should not be able to pull up pornographic information on the web. It simply should not be an option. It’s comforting for parents and teachers to know that children can surf the web without running into pornographic waters. That’s the way it should be. The technology exists for filters to be installed on computers to block easy access to pornography. Source: www.edole2000.org/ “Campaign News” Jul 26, 1999 Protect taxpayers from tax-funded free Internet porn Libraries shouldn’t put pornography on their shelves [nor] on their laptops! This isn’t about 1st amendment protections. It’s about protecting our children and the taxpayers! Adults should have access to whatever they wish in the privacy of their homes. But federal tax dollars should never provide free pornography for adults! The ACLU called my proposal “Big Brother in the Classroom.” Big brother? I say that while we’re putting computers in every classroom, let’s put parents back in those classrooms too Source: www.edole2000.org/ “Campaign News” Jul 26, 1999 5-point tech plan: R&D credit; encryption; more immigrants
Dole Calls for No New Taxes on the Internet Declaring that “Washington’s biggest technology challenge is to stay out of your way,” Elizabeth Dole today announced there will be no new Internet taxes in a Dole Administration and she proposed a permanent R&D tax credit to help foster technological breakthroughs and innovations. “I took a pledge not to raise taxes and that includes new taxes on the Internet,” Dole said. “Raising taxes on the Internet would violate my pledge. I won’t do it.” Source: www.edole2000.org/ “Campaign News” Jul 23, 1999 |